Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Resolutions

I love resolutions. I make resolutions all year long. There is one hitch in my getalong, though- I hate keeping them. I suck at keeping them. I really am just lazy. There isn't any excuse but that. So this year I made a plan to maybe be a little better by making them pretty simple. This year I have 12 goals:
One I want to make progress towards paying off all my debt. I want to go into our marriage with little to no debt carried month to month.
Two start running. 
Three is to get a tattoo.
Four is to run the trolley run with my mom.
Five I want to have my wedding dress bought by May.
Six will be finishing the color run with a good time.
Seven try something new.
Eight take an online class. or two.
Nine get married!
Ten I will join the bone marrow donor registry.
Eleven get my driver's license.
Twelve be a better blogger, mom and wife.

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