Monday, December 31, 2012

This Is...21?

Friday night was date night, even though I messed up and took a shift because I completely forgot what day it was. Having a constantly-changing schedule does that to me. After I got off work we skipped dinner and hurried straight to the movies to see something I was really excited about:

(You can watch the trailer here.)
And I was not disappointed. It was laugh out loud funny. I was in stiches at parts and desperately sad for them at others.  Even though I'm not exactly the target audience I could easily relate to the characters. I went in with low expectations because I had read so many bad reviews but thankfully it was funny. I'd give it an 8 out of 10. We'll definitely be buying it once it comes out, though that doesn't tell you much since Chris owns somewhere around the neighborhood of 2-3 hundred movies.

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