Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Humphrey Paints the Kitchen

Well, he didn't literally paint it. I painted it. I was worried I wouldn't have enough money between the Holidays to get anything around the house done but thankfully I read over on Young House Love that if you use a CoinStar machine to get a gift card instead of cash, they don't take out their 10% share or whatever it is. Which is cool, because I shook ole Humphrey down and ran to the nearest machine with a baby wipes box full of change.
When it was all said and done, it ended up being $131.41, which I promtly spent on four boxes of tile, a can of white spray paint, an extension cord, a gallon of paint for the kitchen, rollers, a paint tray, and the remaining hinges for the kitchen cabinet doors. (Finally! Now if only I could get Chris to hang them.)
Not even an hour after coming home I had the kitchen taped and the paint poured. I finished the next day and altogether it took about five hours to paint the whole thing. Ready for the reveal? Me too!

Just a reminder, here's what it looked like before:
Obviously I didn't do any staging for you guys, huh? I'm ashamed that my house looks like this almost on the daily.

And now: Drumroll please!


I love it. It feels so much more cozy and warm in there now. I just can't wait to do more. Maybe that backsplash? Yikes.

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