Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I Fell Off The Wagon(s)

Several of them. I fell off the diet/exercise wagon a long time ago but it's still dragging me so at least there's some progress there. I still do the 30 Day Shred five days a week  four days a week  when I feel like it.

It's not that I don't want to work out, it's just that I hate having to do my hair. Working out = shower. And even if I put my hair in a topknot and keep it at least a foot from the water at all times, there is no going back after that.

I fell off the blogging wagon just before we went to San Diego. I had dreams of this being a real life blog that gets traffic and has interesting topics but really it's just a higher tech Password Journal. I know what you're thinking, is it really possible to be higher tech than a Password Journal? It's not easy, but it can be done.

I also fell off the wedding planning wagon. I'm back on it now but I took a good 3 month break from really even thinking about wedding stuff. Now I have a ton of overdue stuff on my To-Do list on The Knot (which is part of a totally awesome group of sites, by the way. The Knot, The Nest, The Bump and The Blush are referenced quite often in our house.)

It will all get sorted out when I find a venue but until then there are quite a few things hanging in the air that all hinge on each other. Once I do that though, I should be in the clear. Or at least caught up to where I should be 6 months out from our wedding.

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