Lily had tons of fun people watching and wandering the sponsor's tents while we waited for dad to finish. She even got a Wounded Warriors tattoo.
When we got home I was inspired by all the mud there and decided it was time for a little "Dude, Get On That Already" Challenge, Young House Love Style. (More on that here.)
I grabbed the spackle (which is a hilariously fun word) and went to town all over the house. I even got the bathroom holes that I've been staring at for a year.
I was on a roll, so I finally found a place for this guy, who has been hanging in a poorly lit corner of my dining room since I got him nearly a year ago.
I seriously stressed out about this for a good ten minutes, then took a deep breath and hung him up in the kitchen. Instant relief. He looks much happier there, don't you think?
Please forgive my awful pictures, they were taken with a 7 year old point and shoot.
Then I threw some cookbooks on top of my cabinet. I think once get some more it will look less sparse up there. Plus, I love my seahorse bookend.
What have you guys been up to lately? Made any tiny changes around the house that make you smile?